Leonard Fernandez
Admitted to Practice: 2 May 1994 (VIC), 20 June 2002 (Tas)
Also Admitted to Practice: 23 October 2002 (High Court of Australia)
Prior to commencing practice as the Principal at Leonard Fernandez Barristers and
Solicitors, Leonard was a solicitor in Victoria and partner at the firm now
known as FCG Legal, practising mainly in general litigation, building and
construction, employment, judicial review, and town planning.
He completed a postgraduate coursework subject in Intellectual Property Law
towards a Master of Laws at Monash University in Melbourne Victoria. Upon
commencement of practice in Tasmania Leonard practiced extensively in his areas
of practice, assisting various clients both corporate and individual, at a local
firm for eight years and as Special Counsel for Hunt & Hunt lawyers.
He also holds a certificate of Adjudication under the Building and Construction
Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 (Tas) and is a practicing Adjudicator
under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW).
Leonard conducts matters as a solicitor and a barrister, instructs and or
appears, in the High Court, Federal Courts, Supreme Courts, Magistrates' Courts,
Industrial Relations Commission, as well as providing advice in respect of his
areas of practice.
Leonard is a member of the Law Society of Tasmania, Master Plumbers Association
of Tasmania, and the Federal Court Users Group.
Areas of Practice:
- General and commercial litigation
- Building and Construction
- Intellectual Property
- Local Government and Town Planning
- Insolvency
- Corporations
- Appeals
- Judicial Review/Administrative Appeals
- Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation
- Contracts
- Torts
- Employment and Industrial Relations
- Disciplinary Matters
- Immigration/Migration
- Licensing and Disciplinary Tribunals
- Trade Practices/Australian Competition Law
- Insurance